Rev Up to Recert - Network Automation and Cisco U.

The new Network Automation learning path was announced yesterday:

This was one week following the initial teaser from Cisco’s Lead Community Manager, Matt Saunders:

It is available on the new Cisco U. learning platform:

Cisco U. Welcome


The title is ‘Understanding Cisco Network Automation Essentials (DEVNAE 1.0)’ which is classified as Intermediate level with just under 30 hours of content (almost double the previous Rev Up to Recert: Python course) with only 1 additional (16) CE (Continuing Education) credits:

DEVNAE Overview

One big improvement over the last Rev Up to Recert round is ‘Pre-Assessments’, which allow you to demonstrate proficiency and then skip modules accordingly.

18 multiple choice questions later (I scored 17/18) for Network Automation Fundamentals and nearly 1/3 of the whole learning path is already complete!

Cisco U. PreAssess

Cisco U. Automation Progress 1

At this rate, this should end up taking up less time than the Python round, while providing a valuable refresher on any stale topics since my DEVCOR pass 3 months ago.

This all helps towards my current primary goal (DevNet Expert), so overall I am delighted with this round of Rev Up to Recert - the DevNet focus is great and the delivery with Cisco U. and pre-assessments make this an effective use of students’ time regardless of their familiarity with the learning path.

Update 23rd June 2023 - course completed.

Written on May 25, 2023