AI-Ready Training

Today I completed the two courses required for the AI-Ready Rackspace Credly badge: credly-ai-ready-badge

One new concept for me which I liked is the ‘ditial twin’, which has similarities to network labbing, where a real world system is virtualised.

I’ve heavily relied on regular virtualised labbing for the last ~7 years, in order to validate new network designs/modifications/migrations, to great levels of detail, where I simulate the same topology/platoforms/code versions/features etc. However, it had not occured to me before that the same could be done for a car manufacturing process for example, where instead of network devices, a factory, machines and workers are virtualised.

There are elements of the digital twin, which I think could enhance network labbing, such as real-time monitoring of the real system being represented, which is something I plan to explore in a future post.

Related reading:

Written on August 31, 2023