Renewed Azure Network Engineer Associate Certification

Today I passed the Azure Renewal for Microsoft Certified: Azure Network Engineer Associate assessment, renewing the Azure Network Engineer Associate certification for a further year. microsoft-certified-associate-renewal

You can view the updated online certificate here.

It was a positive renewal experience, where Microsoft provided plenty (several months) of notice via email, and the assessment itself was available on demand without restriction or cost, allowing as many retakes as needed, with a 24 hour waiting period between each retake.

It will be interesting to compare this with renewing the AWS equivalent which I attained in December last year (4 months following this cert). However since the AWS certifications are valid for 3 years, I will likely have two more Azure renewals before getting a chance to experience the AWS renewal process.

In the meantime I will continue working towards the Google Professional Cloud Network Engineer, Cisco DevNet Expert lab exam as well as pushing forward several new SwiftUI personal projects I started this year - which I plan to write up in some new posts when time permits.

Written on August 19, 2024